Novedades y soluciones Tras nuestra último lanzamiento de nuestra aplicación de partes de trabajo hemos tenido que trabajar a fondo por unos problemas surgidos en alguna plataforma.. nuestra [...]
First of all and if you did not know, we will be happy to give you a discount voucher so you can try our share management app in its collaborative version . This means that you can register your [...]
The first thing to do after installing the Work in the Cloud </ strong> app is to create a business account. This will be the account that will allow us to access all the information, [...]
The new version comes with some things that you have been asking for First of all wish that you can enjoy a well-deserved vacation </ strong>. For all those who can not and for all those [...]
The first thing we need to use our working parts app is to have clients . If you already have clients, congratulations! Now is when you’re really going to take advantage of our application [...]
The app for work part management not only allows you to record the time you dedicate to a client , each of the actions, attach photos and have the client sign in your mobile … another of [...]
First let’s explain how to create a warning . As always, we try to make the processes as simple as possible. From the section of notices we will see the following screen in case of not [...]
I suppose you missed us. It has been a couple of months since the last update of the application of parts of work and we hope not to take so long to give you new things but in this version we [...]
En primer lloc i si no ho sabies, estarem encantats de donar-te un bo descompte perquè puguis provar la nostra app de gestió de parts en la seva versió col·laborativa . Això vol dir que podràs [...]
El primer que hem de fer després d’instal·lar l’app de Parts de treball en el núvol és crear un compte d’empresa. Aquesta serà el compte que ens permetrà accedir a tota la [...]